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Our Products


Real Estate Investment Trusts

Real estate investment trusts (REITs) are investment vehicles that generate income by holding, operating and financing real estate projects. Similar to mutual funds, REITs pool the funds of many investors, allowing individual investors to generate income from large-scale real estate projects without having to personally purchase, manage or borrow money to purchase real estate.


Private Equity Funds

A private equity fund is an investment vehicle that acquires stakes in privately-traded companies, increases the value of their equity, and then sells it for a profit. The capital and expertise that a fund can provide gives investors an opportunity to invest in innovative and high-growth companies.


Mortgage Investment Corporations

Mortgage Investment Corporations (MICs) are Canadian investment management companies that specialize in providing an alternative to bank mortgages. By investing in a diversified portfolio of investments backed by collateral, they can mitigate the time and risk of investing in individual mortgages.


Direct Investment

Direct investment refers to investors purchasing companies, real estate or other assets directly rather than investing through an investment fund. This provides the investor with a greater deal of flexibility compared to indirect investing. Potentially, it can lead to higher returns and provides investors with the opportunity to diversify across different asset classes.


Private Debt Fund

Private debt – also known as private credit – is a private capital strategy in which investment managers and institutions invest by making private, non-bank loans to companies. It provides companies with an alternative source of financing, while also providing investors with higher returns than traditional, fixed-income investments.


Tax Planning

Our tax planning services for individual investors are designed to provide customized and in-depth and management solutions to help them minimize their tax burden and increase their after-tax returns. By working with our tax professionals, clients can better understand the tax implications of their investments and make informed choices to achieve their financial goals.

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